Sunday, December 26, 2010

What to Expect

Over the past three days, I've setup two other blogs to complement my main sports blog, hurdler49. The steady rise of readership of hurdler49 stemmed from my Track Beauty of the Week entries, as well as my honest-to-goodness posts about other well-known tracksters and sporting events. I also post my training logs and training reflections on the site (although hardly anyone ever reads these!).

I originally wanted to migrate all my hurdler49 content into my own domain name, just to take advantage of the financial opportunities offered by web-based advertising. But then again, transferring my content from the free blog to my own domain entails much work. And this entails an additional fixed cost as well. I'll let future Joboy worry about this problem!

The main reason for my yearning to move is to open the popular Track Beauty of the Week feature to financially lucrative world of web ads. Then it hit me, why not setup an offshot of the aforesaid feature that encompass all brawny beauties from all sports? And so, I utilized the services of Blogger, since it offers seamless integration with Google AdSense. As of now, the traffic to Superb Senoras - my new blog dedicated in honoring the women of sports - is a mere trickle compared to hurdler49. But soon enough, I believe, the hits are bound to come.

Furthermore, I decided to create another blog - this blog! - to create an avenue for my non-sports posts. After all, I as a writer, have so much more to offer than hurdles, sprints, pole vault, jumps, basketball and a multitude of anecdotes about pretty athletes.

Back in college, I used to post my crude compositions - from essays, feature articles and poems. I've also written quite a few short stories myself. I shall post my old works, as well as new ones, into this blog. Since I'm also a history buff, I'll be uploading political commentary and retrospective entries too. Aside from these, I'll be dabbling in the reviewing various products that pique my interest (from gadgets, shoes and cars) and, if time permits, the customary post-vacation travelogue.

But most of the all, the centerpiece of my work is the human condition. I like writing about how I feel. I achieve a certain sense of solace each time I successfully put into words my inner emotions.

Looking back, I've come a long way from my days in Livejournal and Multiply. The convergence of social networking and various forms of media, under the mantle of the ever-so-powerful Internet, has paved the way for an evolution in my literary inclinations - and personal passions.

I love to write; I fully appreciate the value of a wired (and wireless) world. Here's a toast to the age of convergence!


  1. ey joboy! carlo f here. depending on the time of year around 25% to 40% of my monthly revenues come from adsense so there's definitely money there.. if you have any questions about driving traffic to superb senoras dont hesitate to ask me anything!

  2. Hey man! Thanks. Will do! What's your site?

  3. I hope one day to be a track beauty :)

  4. Lauren, just say when and I'll make a track beauty post about you :D
